Kerry & Harley

Happy International Assistance Dog Week!

We thought we would start the week off by introducing you to Kerry and her Hearing Assistance Dog Harley



‘Harley has restored a lot of my confidence and faith in other people. He makes me smile every day. And he’s so wonderfully cheeky! My woolly mate has given me back a sense of hope and joy and confidence in life. We will continue to grow together, learning how to navigate different situations and daily routine. He will continue to make me smile.’

I have a dual disability of cerebral palsy and a hearing loss. Due to this, I wear both a hearing aid and a cochlear device.

My name is Dominic Hong Duc Golding. 

I live in Canberra and I currently work as a disability advocate at National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA), a national peak for those from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) background with a disability.

Dom & Katie

Eliza & Sal

‘I’ve wanted a Diabetic Alert Dog ever since I’ve heard of them. But I also knew it was an expensive process, plus getting the right dog… well, I never thought about it too much further.

Diabetes is a very expensive illness to live with. While it has been cheaper with the recent government subsidies, prior to this year, it probably costed me about seven grand a year just to live with diabetes. Adding the cost of training a dog, it was not sustainable, not on top of mortgage and everything else. 

My mother had rubella early on during her pregnancy due to an epidemic in Bathurst, however, there was no spots.

Fast forward to 1978, when I was pregnant with my first child. I was asked if I knew why I was deaf. Well, a blood test later showed that I had congenital deafness, and there was no doubt to the cause of it.

Helen, Andy & Elroy

Jane & Walter

Walter, my darling labradoodle, has just been lifechanging. Dogs have a way of bringing true love into your lives and he has done just that. He has also been such a comfort and a companion. Since being with us, I have never spent so much time deaf at home and being relaxed doing so.

I used to check the door multiple times a day, thinking I had heard someone, or walk around the house trying to work out what sound was going off. Now, with Walter, I can just relax and feel secure and safe knowing that he will alert me to anything I need to hear.

Having a Hearing Assistance Dog has made such a huge difference to my life. I don’t feel like I have to constantly be on the lookout just because my ears and eyes do not work as well as they should.

Having George allows me to be able to relax at home as I know that he will do what he has been trained to do, that is to alert me to a sound no matter where I am in my house – whether it be someone at the door, an alarm on my phone, the timer in the kitchen or most importantly, the smoke alarm. I am able to have restful sleeps. No more constantly having to check my front door. No more having to sit and watch out of the loungeroom window waiting for my shopping to come. No more worrying about not being able to hear the smoke alarm. 

Megan & George

Faye & Sydney

Since getting Sydney, she has not only becomes my ears, but she has also been a great companion who is always constantly by my side. She not only improved my life but has also given my brother a new life too, as we both regularly take Sydney for walks. This alone has helped improved our overall health and well-being. 

I truly love having Sydney, and I would say to anyone who is hearing impaired and living a silent world or being isolated at home to consider getting a Hearing Dog. Your life will change, Hearing Dogs do change people’s lives for the better. 

Tamari is my 3rd Hearing Dog that was given to me by the Australian Lions Hearing Dogs.

Hearing Dogs have made a big impact on my life. I am able to live independently and do not have to depend on others for support with my Hearing Dog making me aware of any sounds that needs to be heard. 

My Hearing Dogs has helped me break down the barrier between myself and everyone else. Now people can (and want) to come and socialise with me. I can’t go anywhere without my Hearing Dog.  

Chris & Tamari

Abby & Lucy

I feel so much safer now that I can go out with Lucy for a walk. It’s good for my fitness and exercise. Without a dog, I don’t like to walk alone. With Lucy, I feel safe, confident. Lucy can wake me up if there is a fire or doorbell during the night. 

In her first few weeks she already surpassed my expectations, even told me – in the middle of the night – about an important text message!

I really appreciated the support ALHD and Lucy has given me.